The Training courses include:

  1. Corporate Governance in a Non-Profit Setting

  2. Leading in a Non-Profit Setting

  3. NPO Sustainable Operations Management.

  4. Impact Measurement for Social Enterprises; and

  5. Fund Raising in a Non-Profit Setting.

  6. Digital Skills and Marketing for Non-profits; others including Procurement in Non-profit setting and our flagship course; NCVO way (Value systems and code of conduct)

Our goal at NCVO Ghana is to create sustainable wealth and jobs across the continent, starting from Accra-Ghana leveraging highly-impactful nonprofits. Our recruitment process, therefore, seeks to identify only the most ambitious and ethical people with a strong desire to build scalable non-profit organizations including social enterprises in Africa.

Key Characteristics We Consider:

  • Passion

A deep passion for starting a social venture in Africa

  • Experience

We also prioritize knowledge gained trough experiences. We will be looking out for founding teams that have clearly lived the problems, understand the root causes of the problem and are angry about the problem.

  • Education

A degree from a top university or Technical College (or equivalent experience)

  • Soft Skills

Confident with great leadership qualities, ability to work well with others, and communicate effectively.

– Fill and submit the NPL Fellowship application form

– Attend Interviews; demonstrate passion and commitment

– Become a fellow

Selected organizations will not pay a fee however their dedication and commitment throughout the program shall be required.